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There is so much to say about this little dog.  I am keeping this girl 100% for her temperament. Mini Americans can be reserved with strangers and this girl is the opposite. She is my grand daughters BEST friend. She adores her and follows her around completely devoted to her. She is easy to have in the house, gets along with all the dogs and yet she is far from boring. She loves to play, she tugs and fetches and is just a joy to have around. She has never met a stranger. She attends expo's with us and greets thousands of people flawlessly. You could not ask for a more perfect personality on a litter unsocialized farm dog! She has fantastic structure and the older she gets the more I'm in love with everything about her. She is incredibly smart and eager to please, loves to be with us no matter what we are doing and is just so incredibly easy to have around the house. 

Not in a hurry to breed her so we will work with her slowly and somewhere after 2 we will look for a suitable partner for her, likely not related to mine as she is heavily line bred already and needs a complete outcross. If her puppies end up anything like her these will be spectacular dogs! 


This girl is so incredibly social. She loves everyone she meets. While at the Canadian Pet expo spring 2023 she can't get enough of the crowds attention! 

walkher pedigree.PNG
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