Ever was not a girl we had originally kept, she had been sold as a pet, but she came back to us very young when the families situation changed. We took her to the 3 day Easter pet show with us hoping to find her a suitable new home, after 2 days however it was very clear to us that this girl did not exactly have an off switch. She ran circles around all the other dogs, she barely took a nap. When the other dogs were totally exhausted she was still a bundle of energy. My husband looked at me and took the for sale signs down. He jokingly said Does she EVER stop, and her new name was born.
Ever is a very high physical energy girl as well as a high mental energy girl. She is busy, she needs to be off leash running at least 2 hours a day or she gets antsy and paces in the house. She needs to be mentally stimulated more often than not. She gets bored very easily. She is a toy dog extrordinairre, she will play fetch until your arm falls off. She loves her frisbee and I really need to get some good shots of her because she is very good at it. She is smart as a whip, catches on to anything we ask very quickly.
She is a grinner which is a quality I live in this breed.
She is a true working partner, very willing to please. She is one of the more spoiled house dogs because we have no choice but to interact with her or she becomes a bit obnoxious.
She is a lover, she will cuddle on the couch for longer than most. She is more my husbands dog than mine if she has a choice.
She reminds me a lot of her dad Impact.
Ever passes on all of her high energy traits to her puppies. She tends to have good sized litters of 8 average. She is red factored so when bred to the right boys we do get all colours. All her pups are above average for both physical and mental energy and are not happy just hanging out on a couch unless they have had a nice long run beforehand.