Miniature American Shepherd Litter
Litter born Tuesday August 30 2022
Ready for new homes Friday October 28th or SUNDAY the 30th 2022
I am planning to attend a dog show in Lyndsay on the Saturday so will not be available for pick up that day. I will make myself available Sunday instead for anyone who can not make the Friday pick up.

ESTIMATED SIZE: Medium to larger sized
16-19 inches tall average
25-35 pounds..
ENERGY LEVEL: Physically: Medium energy needing 2 hours of off leash running per day
Mentally: Medium energy needing 2 hours per day of training.
NATURAL RESERVE: Moderate Reserve.
Lots of athletic ability for everyday running in the bush or anything else you'd ask of them. Incredibly devoted to their family, not as social with strangers as other breeds or even other litters, never aggressive, just not looking for any attention if your not immediate family or very close friends, will actively avoid unknown people and should not be pushed into being more social than they are comfortable with. Underfoot and always by your side, not the type of litter that you can loose, they will follow you to the bathroom and just want to be with you no matter what you are doing. Size should be larger rather than smaller.
She went into labor the day I took my grand daughter to Canada's wonderland, so they get aptly named after Roller Coasters!
Last puppy in the litter looking for a home. She is my pick puppy except I don't have room for her to stay long term, we are working on bringing in some new blood lines and so she needs a home of her own. She is 19 weeks as of January 12th and just got her third set of puppy vaccines today. She will get Rabies in 6-8 weeks if she is still with us.
She has matured a bit since my last update, she is still a tug maniac but we have had great success getting her tugging on proper toys and not my socks and pant legs. She has a very soft side, if I tell her no she takes it to heart, so correcting her is a fine line between redirecting and not breaking her spirit. She is not quick to forget or forgive so breaking the partnership with her could happen very easily in the wrong home. She is a thinker and a problem solver. At 19 weeks old she is fully crate trained, she loves her crate, sleeps in it all night, goes in for naps during the day without me asking her to and she eats in her crate. Her crate is her safe space and personal space so a home who is happy to keep using a crate would make her happy. She LOVES the cat, probably more than she loves anyone else so a home with dog friendly cats would make her very happy. She has a great off leash recall, we have been calling her Freeze or Freezie because Freestyle does not flow as nice. Her name can be changed but she does answer to Freezie. She travels well in the car and just curls up on the seat next to me in town. For longer rides I always use a crate and she just sleeps. She has met kids and loves them. She has been walked on a leash a couple of times but I do focus more on off leash work. She is not what I would call house trained in a pet owner meaning. My house is crazy busy, I open a door minimum once an hour, usually more as I let dogs in and out, take out garbage, compost and recycling, bring food and water out to all the livestock we have, shovel snow etc. So none of my dogs know how to actually ASK at a door because they never have to. If the door opens which ever dogs are loose with me come in and out with me and if they have to potty they do so. If I am home there is never a day where the door is not constantly opening, that is my life, and if I am out for the day they are in crates. So while she rarely has an accident here, it is not because she is "trained" to hold it or to ask, it's because my lifestyle does not lend itself to the dogs being stuck in the house long enough to have an accident.

Pictures below taken January 12 at 19 weeks old.

Leviathan Thunder run Behemoth Vortex Freestyle Ghoster Coaster​
birth 9.75 oz 9.5 oz 10.75 oz 8.25 oz 10 oz 9 oz
1 week 1 lb 1 lb 1 lb 1 oz 10.75 oz 1 lb 10.75 oz
2 week 1 lb 5 oz 1 lb 5 oz 1 lb 7 oz 14.5 oz 1 lb 5 oz 14.5 oz
3 week 1 lb 9 oz 1 lb 9 oz 1 lb 11 oz 1 lb 1 lb 8 oz 1 lb 2 oz
4 week 2 lb 2 lb 6 oz 2 lb 7 oz 1 lb 5 oz 2 lb 3 oz 1 lb 6 oz
5 week 2 lb 4 oz 2 lb 14 oz 2 lb 12 oz 1 lb 10 oz 2 lb 9 oz 1 lb 10 oz
6 week 2 lb 10 oz 3 lb 8 oz 3 lb 6 oz 2 lb 1 oz 3 lb 1 oz 1 lb 14 oz
7 week 2 lb 13 oz 3 lb 15 oz 3 lb 14 oz 2 lb 5 oz 3 lb 5 oz 2 lb 3 oz
8 week 3 lb 8 oz 4 lb 7 oz 4 lb 12 oz 2 lb 15 oz 4 lb 2 lb 10 oz
As of July 2022 we have decided to give our families the option of raw feeding, which is our preference, or TLC kibble. Any families past, present and future may switch from raw to TLC and warranties will continue to be valid as long as you use this link to order so we can track who is using it. TLC is delivered to your door and we are introducing it to all puppies prior to them leaving as well as adults prior to retiring them to give families food choices.