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This girl is so very special to us. She is a daughter of Kaching. She is built like a dream and has wonderful movement. She would do great in a show ring except in true Aussie fashion she is not fond of strangers being in her space and takes a while to warm up and trust to you touch her. She is a momma's girl through and through, she and I are very much inseparable. She is my traveling companion, she is calm and chill in the car and while all of my dogs do travel in crates, she has gone short distances without one and just chills on the back seat and I forget she's even there. She is a dream to live with in the house. She is calm and even tempered, never causes issues with anyone, is loving and gentle with puppies. She is always ready to do anything I'd like to do and she is always by my side. She is very affectionate and enjoys curling up to watch tv a bit longer than most. She passes her sweet easy going personality on to her pups.
She is more reserved than some of the others, it takes her a while to warm up to people she does not know but she does warm up over time. Don't let her sweet side fool you this girl is also very active! Loves water, will chase toys for hours. She's a perfect combination of beauty and athletic ability that I look for in a dog to keep in my breeding program.

carbon pedigree
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