There are a few things you should know about this process before committing to a Stoverly Puppy.
Almost all of our puppies will be sold as pets on strict legal spay/neuter contracts. Very few will end up being sold for breeding purposes.
So if you think it would be fun to have a dog to raise a litter of puppies, just so the kids can have a neat experience, you'll have to go somewhere else. That is not where my puppies will go.
If you are an established breeder or are new to breeding and looking for a mentor we are happy to help and are very open minded BUT you will be required to follow some of our guidelines to keep up with our strict code of ethics, such as doing ALL health testing.
We have an above average waiting list taking applications fees sometimes a year in advance for people who know they want a certain colour and certain gender. Particularly blue merles. I do NOT keep an updated email list if you are not on our paid waiting list. It is impossible to contact you when puppies are born to let you know if we have what you had hoped for because 99% of the time the majority of the litter is reserved in advance and even if what you wanted was born, it may already be spoken for and you would not have an opportunity to purchase it. Also many times people are simply shopping around looking for the first available puppy and I don't have time to waste contacting people who have gone elsewhere. We are an exclusive breeder, people who want our puppies are willing to wait for them, people who are just looking for a fast purchase are not looking for a puppy from us, we do not have time to email back dozens of people who have already found something from elsewhere. We focus on people who have committed to purchasing from us by way of an application fee.
Applications with payment are worked with on a first come first serve basis once payment has been received. So the sooner you get your payment in, the higher on our list you will be when you are ready to take a puppy home or when we have what you are looking for. When your payment arrives you are assigned a number, the number is the day of the deposit, so July 20th 2020 would be 07.20.20.
We place our puppies in the homes that are best suited to each puppy. If we have a puppy that is high energy and no homes available that want to put that puppy in a sport, we will keep that puppy ourselves until an appropriate homes comes along. So being honest with us about your families ability will help us match you with a suitable puppy.
We can never guarantee we will have a certain coat colour, certain amounts of white and copper markings, eye colour or even gender. I have very little control over what puppies are actually born. I can always tell you what colours are possible in each litter, but mother nature and genetics have the final say as to what is actually born. I try my best to match you with what you want as quickly as possible, but quality and temperament are more important to me than colour and markings. Even if I have a list of people wanting blue merles, if the best pairing up of dogs for a litter will give me tri coloured dogs, then I will make the cross that gives me the best quality dogs, not what I can sell fastest.
The way it will work is when we breed a female we will let our waiting list know who is bred and what colour, size and personality we expect to get an idea of who is hoping for a puppy from that particular cross. We can pencil you in at that time. Once the female is in labor we contact our list again to let you all know puppies are on the way and to keep close to your email if you are interested in a puppy. Once all the puppies are born we will contact you a third time, from the time of this email you have about 24 hours to contact us back with a yes or no to being put on this litter. At the end of the 24 hour mark we will sit down and look at everyone who is interested. We will see if we have any conflicts of more than one family wanting the same type of puppy.
If we only have one blue merle male and more than one family is interested, it will be held for whom ever is higher on the waiting list and the other family can choose something else or choose to wait for a future litter. Buyers choice. That puppy will either fit the families needs or it will not. If it does not fit at 8 weeks old, or is unhealthy then the family reverts back to the waiting list.
If we have lets say 3 blue merle males then we will allow 3 families to put their applications towards those three puppies, but not towards any one particular puppy. As the puppies grow up we will match the puppies with each family based on what the family needs and how the puppies each develop. If one of the puppies passes away or is in any way unhealthy then the family lowest on the waiting list of those three families, reverts back to the waiting list so we can match up those who have been waiting the longest.
The choice of whether to reserve a puppy of a secondary colour or stay on the list is always that of the deposit holder.
If after 24 hours I have not heard from you I assume you do not want a puppy from this litter and you just stay on the waiting list until the next litter. If you change your mind at any time you can apply it to anything that is marked available, but after the 24 hour period you can not bump
ahead of anyone who has already applied their deposit. So even if you are number 1 on our list, if you do not get back to us, regardless of the reason, you will be put below those who got back to us in a timely manner.
If you submit an application for more than one colour and I reserve for you what you have in writing, if you then change your mind and want to refine your application your application fee is considered applied and It may cost you an additional $500 to keep your number on the list for the inconvenience of having provided false information to other potential buyers and potentially turning other homes away.
At any time if you have a specific application in for just one colour, at no cost you can expand the selection for free. So it is best to choose the colour you want most and leave it at that.
Application fee's can be left in two ways.
The fastest way to get money to us so you are on the list immediately ahead of anyone else who chooses to send payment in at the same time as you.
We deal with TD and we will happily give you the information to do a deposit into our account. This is the second fastest way to leave us payment.
You are welcome to leave an application fee at any time. The application is good for 24 months.
After 24 months if I have had a puppy born that meets your needs and you have decided not to purchase it for any reason at all, the application is considered fulfilled on my part and the file is closed. No monies are returned for any reason.
If after 24 months I have not had a puppy born that meets your needs as outlined in the application, then we will extend your application an additional 12 months at no cost. Again no monies are ever refunded for any reason. To date I have never had this happen but it is always possible.
If you would like a certain colour, gender, or markings then you are welcome to leave an application fee with the clear understanding that the waiting period likely grows substantially. Particularly if your hoping for a blue merle coloured puppy. We can not make the girls give us what you may be picturing in your head. We can only work with what they deliver for us. The more specific your request, the longer it may take to match you up. We are dealing with live animals and are at the mercy of mother nature.
When pups are between 7 and 8 weeks old they go in and have their eyes examined by an ophthalmologist. This is the first exam to tell us who may or may not be show/breed quality. After the eye exam we see the veterinarian for a check up where they listen to the heart, make sure both testicles are descended on the boys, check for teeth alignment and give them their first set of vaccinations if it is safe to do so, not all litters will be vaccinated at 8 weeks old. When eyes and vet check are finished we will then do a final structure evaluation. We examine the structure of each pup against the written breed standard. This is the final evaluation to decide who is pet quality and who is show/breed quality. At this time any show/breed quality pups will be labeled as such and either kept for myself, sold on co-owns, or sold to other breeders. The pet quality pups will then be placed in their pet homes. Show quality pups will only be sold as pets as a last option if no show home is available. I will make the final determination as to which individual puppies goes with each family, you never get to tell me which puppy you want or do not want, I am not a shopping center. These are living breathing creatures with very specific needs and it is my job to make sure they end up in the best homes possible. If you do not trust me to match you up based on the information in your application, then do not get on my waiting list. If you are not honest in your application, then you may not be matched up correctly, this is a partnership, we work together, you tell me what you can provide for the puppy and I will place a puppy with you who will be happy with what you have to offer.
Keep in mind that I prefer to place my puppies in an active home before I place them as pets who will do nothing. An active home to me is one that is involved in conformation, obedience, flyball, agilty, herding etc. An Aussie of any size is an active dog and they excel when they are kept busy. If you are an active home you will be placed above a non active home on the list as a suitable puppy comes up regardless of when the deposit arrived because we are placing the puppy based on personality and not colour and markings.
We NEVER hold puppies based on eye colour. Please do not ask me for a puppy with specific eye colours. I will deny your application.
Puppies eyes do not show their final colour until about 6 weeks. It is not fair to the puppies or other owners to take a puppy off the market for that long in the hopes it has the eye colour you want and if not to have it come back up for sale. Puppies deserve homes regardless of eye color. So for that reason we do not in any way honor requests about eye colour. Sorry. If you are so fickle as a human you will not take and love a dog with any colour eyes, I am not interested in placing any of my dogs with you. Just so we are clear.
Every puppy that we sell comes with the following...
First vaccinations if the puppy is large enough for vaccinations (contact me for more information on vaccines if you wish)
Worming at 2,4,6, and 8 weeks of age
eyes examined by an ophthalmologist between 7 and 8 weeks of age if ophthalmologist are working due to the pandemic
Microchip implanted
Every puppy goes home with a Puppy pack which includes
sample of food
Scent blanket
Nylon leash and collar
NuVet supplement samples and order information
2 steel bowls
Teddy Bear
Samples of cookies
various toys as they are available
Still interested in a puppy?
Read over my contracts on-line or ask me to send you one.
Contact us and lets get to know each other.
Check out our plans page to see what litters we have planned.
Check out the puppies page to see if we have any puppies available right now.
Check out our available page to see if we have any older dogs available.
Really want a Stoverly Puppy?
Contact me for a puppy application and purchase contract information.
Want to know how each breeding is done, and how and where puppies are born and raised? Check out our puppy raising page.
Thanks for visiting our site and having an interest in our puppies.
Contact us any time
Not for illness, loss of job, moving, death in the family, divorce or because you have found a puppy from someone else.
If YOU choose not to take a puppy offered to you that meets your written request, your payment is forfeit. Period! No exceptions ever!
If you are not willing to commit to us in a serious fashion then please do not proceed.